Skinny Orange Chicken Recipe


Last time I made this it was a big hit with my 6-year-old.  My son has an issue with trying anything new, and I really do mean anything.  He will not even try sweets he hasn’t had before without some pleading.  I was a little worried last time I made this that he may not like it, but I’ve found if he helps me prepare the meal he wants to try it.  There are less than 8 ingredients in this dish and I was happily surprised I had all of them without having to run to the store.  This meal was a big hit with my son, and my hubby!

  • 2 Chicken Breasts cut into pieces
  • 1 Large Orange (zest & juice)
  • 1 Zucchini chopped (add while cooking)
  • Mushrooms (add while cooking)
  • 1 Carrot chopped (add while cooking)
  • 3 tbsp Sesame Oil (1 tbsp is for cooking)
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 3 tbsp Agave

Combine all ingredients (aside from the vegetables) into a large freezer bag.  Orange zest, orange juice, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp agave, then add the chicken.  If the marinade does not cover all of the chicken add some water (1/4 cup) to ensure the marinade is surrounding the chicken.  Place the bag into the fridge for at least an hour, it can marinate all day.

When ready to cook add 1 tbsp sesame oil to a large skillet over medium heat, use tongs and add chicken to the skillet.  Make sure to add some of the marinade while cooking the chicken.  Add the vegetables and let cook uncovered for 5 minutes.  Use tongs to flip chicken and cover skilled for 4-5 minutes or until chicken and vegetables are cooked.  Once fully cooked serve with orange slices, green onions or scallions as garnish and enjoy!

Orange Chicken

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