Archive of ‘Travel’ category

‘Tis most splendid at Medieval Times


Dark Rider Battle

My Lord, my Lady…. A page torn from the script of Downton Abby?  No, this is how you are welcomed at Medieval Times!  SoCal Savvy Mom was invited to be a guest at Medieval Times last week at the Buena Park location.  This was our first visit and had no idea what to expect, kids were beyond excited before we even arrived.  Once we walked in the kids were amazed, it was like we had entered into a new land.  First you are given the color of your Knight accompanied by a crown of matching color, ours was the blue Knight.  Next, you are invited to take a picture with the beautiful princess, the Knight is trying to win her hand.


After the picture you are invited to enjoy a glass of wine, beer or other non-alcoholic drinks at one of the bars.  We bought a bottle of wine to share which was very reasonable at only $20.  If you so choose you may have your son (or yourself) Knighted by the King for an extra fee.  We walked over to the stables to see the beautiful horses that are used in the tournament.  Once the dinner tables have been set, you are led to your table via the color of your Knight.  It is really fun to sit in a section all cheering for the same Knight to win his princess.  We were a little worried the kids wouldn’t eat the food, there being no utensils and the main corse includes a chicken leg.  For my son this just made more fun!



Medieval Times is celebrating 30 years by giving away 4 tickets everyday for a year!  To enter just visit the Medieval Times Facebook page here to enter, you must enter everyday to be in the drawing.  Good luck!

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