Easter Egg Nests – to Make with Kids
Mar 20
DIY Easter Treats

I am hosting Easter brunch for my family and friends on Easter Sunday and I wanted to try out a few recipes and I thought I would share. I love-making Easter Egg Nests, not only are they adorable but they are ridiculously delicious as well. Items needed to make these are marshmallows, butter, vanilla, and dry chow mein noodles, and small candies for the eggs.
4 Cups Dry Chow Mein Noodles
3 Cups Mini Marshmallows
3 Tbsp Butter
1/2 Tsp Vanilla
Candy Eggs, Mini Robin’s Eggs, M & M’s, or Jelly Beans
Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Over low heat, melt the marshmallows and butter in a large saucepan, once melted stir in the vanilla. Pour the noodles into a large bowl. Pour the marshmallow and butter mixture over the noodles, stir until well coated. Rub some butter on your hands, this is important as it will all stick to your hands and not together. Then take the noodle mixture and form it into small round bowls in-between the size of a golf ball and tennis ball. Place the balls on the cookie sheet, with the back of a spoon, press the center of each ball to make a hollow indentation. Next let the nests set until they are hard and then fill each nest with candy eggs.
Last year my son and I make enough for all the children in his class. The year before I made them for place settings on Easter Sunday. I took a tooth pick and small piece of paper and wrote everyone’s name and placed at each setting on the table. No one had to get up for something sweet after the meal! Tell me what you choose to do with your nests!