This is my favorite recipe for carrot zucchini bread, I made this today using all organic ingredients and it was great! I knew I had to share it for my fellow organic loving readers. I am always trying to make anything healthier, especially if it already contains sugar. One of the reasons this bread is a perfect healthier option is due to no oil. Vegetable oil for this recipe would normally be around a cup, which would amount to nearly 2,000 calories and 220 grams of fat! Apple sauce (especially organic) is an amazing substitute for oil while baking, saving calories and fat.
The next item we switch for a healthier version is whole wheat flour, while whole wheat flour and regular flower have the same calories the whole wheat is much better option. During the process of making white flour most of the nutrients and fiber naturally found in flour are lost. Sometimes the nutrients are added back into white flour but not in its natural form, which is another reason white flour is so over processed. Below are the ingredients and directions to our delicious Organic no oil Carrot Zucchini Bread.
Buying organic ingredients does cost a little bit more depending on where you shop, but it is the best choice you can make for your family. If a food label does not bear the USDA Organic label, it could still have organic ingredients but not enough to be approved for the seal. What the seal means is that it is produced and processed according to the USDA standards. The seal is voluntary, but many organic producers use it to prove that it is indeed organic.
Most food items that are completely organic — such as fruits, vegetables, eggs or other single-ingredient foods — are labeled 100 percent organic and can carry the USDA seal.
- 100 percent organic. To use this phrase, products must be either completely organic or made of all organic ingredients.
- Organic. Products must be at least 95 percent organic to use this term.
- Made with organic ingredients. Products that contain at least 70% organic ingredients may say “made with organic ingredients” on the label, but may not use the seal.
- Less than 70%. Foods containing less than 70% organic ingredients can’t use the seal or the word “organic” on their product labels, even if it does include organic ingredients.
Below are the ingredients and directions to our delicious Organic no oil Carrot Zucchini Bread.
- 1 1/2 cups Organic Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 1/2 cups Organic Unbleached White Flour
- 1 ts Himalayan Sea Salt
- 1 ts Organic Baking Powder
- 1 ts Organic Baking Soda
- 2 ts Organic Cinnamon
- 1 ts Organic Nutmeg
- 1 cup Organic Sugar
- 1/2 cup Organic Brown Sugar
- 3 Free Range Eggs
- 1 cup Organic Apple Sauce
- 1 cup Grated Organic Carrot
- 1 cup Grated Organic Zucchini
- 1 1/2 cups Chopped Organic Walnuts
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix together, whole wheat flour, white flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg in a Kitchen Aid mixer or mixing bowl and mix. Next add the sugar, eggs and apple sauce and mix together. Last add the carrots, zucchini and walnuts and mix.
Next put into greased (we used coconut oil spray from Traders) and put into bread pan, or into cupcake pan. Let bake for about 50 min. or until it is cooked throughout the center of the bread.